Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thank goodness for a sunny day!

I was REALLY nervous about the other roll of film that I shot when I was feeling better. Why? Because I used a roll of 200ISO and read that this may not lead to the best result...and phew! They turned out. I shot around Parliament Hill - here a few of the results.

Here is me bundled up on this cold day taking a picture of the eternal flame.

Center block of Parliament Hill

I LOVED this sign - do not even think about parking here...when signs say what people are really thinking!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A few more photos...

Okay, here are a few more photos. Some of these are from when I was home sick but I still like them. I'm always interested in junk out on the street at especially posters so I thought I would do at least one poster shot (above).

Some winter weather!

A different view from the library.

With every new camera I get I ALWAYS take a picture of my dog Lily on the first roll. She doesn't really like having her picture taken any more so she wouldn't let me get that close but I like this photo of her.
I haven't picked up my roll of 200ISO I am definitely nervous that nothing will work out but I hope something does since I went up to Parliament Hill to take the photos - please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Friday, January 29, 2010

First camera photos

So my first roll of film came in - here are a few shots to start with but I will add more as I look at them. I would agree with the Four Corners Dark review that it needs at least 400ISO, I have no expectations at this point for my roll of 200ISO but we will see.
The above photo is the view from the library.

I was walking to meet my husband and I thought the street looked nice so I took this shot as I crossed the street. This is close to Chinatown in Ottawa.

I walk by this house nearly every day on my way to meet my husband. This plastic situation was established before Christmas...not sure what it's about but interesting to look at.

This is a bank turned pawn shop near my work - I like that the Bank of Montreal reliefs are still on the side of the building.
That's it for now but more to come!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hi,  I was wondering what speed film is recommended for the traveling camera?  I don't normally shoot 24 exposures so I wanted to have some ordered and on hand by the time the camera arrives.  I think I am second in line?  This is going to be fun, Thanks for organizing it.

Camera is on the move!

It can be expected to arrive in BC in 3-5 business days - so early next week!
Here is the tour schedule:

Ontario, Canada
British Columbia, Canada
Illinois, USA
Oregon, USA
Ohio, USA
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Pennsylvania, USA
Ohio, USA
New York, USA
New Jersey, USA
Utah, USA
California, USA
California, USA
Utah, USA
Alberta, Canada

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ship Shape

So this week I've been recovering from my sinus infection but I was able to shoot my roll of film and package the UWS for shipping.
First, I left my mark!

I used a gold permanent pen to put my initials and city. This idea was suggested by another Traveling Toy Camera Project (TTCP) team member which I think is really great.
Next I prepared a box to act as the house for the camera. I placed the camera into a freezer bag - to hopefully protect it if the package gets wet and I reused some packing material to buffer the camera in the box.

I wrote a message for the team members who will receive the camera with the "rules". I'm hoping that the box and packing materials will be able to be reused over and over to try and be green.

Then I wrapped the camera in the box up in brown paper. I can't wait to get this off to Vancouver, BC to the first person on the tour!
My images will be coming soon!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Traveling Camera's traveling container?

I'm so glad that everyone is getting excited for the toy traveling camera - I have been shooting with color film but if I can at lunch tomorrow I might knock out a roll of b&w as well.
S0 unfortunately I've been under the weather the last few days but today I was feeling on the mend and was able to shoot a little bit with the camera today. My goal tonight is to get the camera ready for shipping so that it can get sent off to beautiful Vancouver!
I'm hoping that the box can somehow be recycled so that it will be able to travel safely from person to person. Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

So the UWS arrived today - I am VERY excited! I loaded this baby up with an expired roll of 400ISO Kodak film. Some have suggested that this camera does not handle rolls of 36 so I have selected a roll of 24.
Thanks to Light Leaks Shop for speedy shipping!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What toy camera will be traveling?

Someone recommended the Vivitar UWS as the toy camera that should travel and seeing as I've never used it but have heard so much about it, that's what I decided on (from the wonderful Light Leaks Shop). I hope that everyone will enjoy this camera.
I am really looking forward to getting the camera and putting a roll of film through so I can send it off to the first person on the list!

Monday, January 18, 2010


I have really been interesting in participating in a traveling camera project for a while, but have always missed out on the opportunity so I started thinking why not start one myself? I opened up the invite to everyone at ToyCamera dot com and started getting responses.

So what is a traveling camera project? Here's how it's going to work:

1. get a camera and a group of people that want to participate
2. shoot a roll of film and then pass the camera on to the next person
3. develop your film, scan it and then post the results here

I'm hoping that our groups camera will make it all over the world, to all sorts of places!
My goals this week is to select and order the camera and then shoot the first roll and pass it along. Hopefully I will have another update for you soon!